What’s New
January, 2025
Article: Community impacts of aviation noise: a pilot survey. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.
December, 2024
Drone stalking victim speaks out. A drone terrorized a family for four years before the pilot was apprehended. Chuck Moran, deputy director of communications with DRONERESPONDERS, a nonprofit public safety program, helped find a solution.
August, 2024
Drone news report. Amazon’s drone delivery service pilot program facing scrutiny. Residents who live near the launch site say the drones are too loud.
October, 2023
The EPA announces findings that indicate leaded fuels used to power small plane engines are responsible for adverse human health effects, particularly in children. The EPA is now looking into phasing out the use of leaded aviation fuel permanently.
Lead pollution from small planes threatens human health, Washington Post, 2023
A new study by the Institute for Policy Studies shows that a proposed expansion of Hanscom Field in Massachusetts would almost exclusively benefit private jet owners who are already responsible for carbon emissions well above the Massachusetts average.
Hanscom High Flyers: Private Jet Excess Doesn’t Justify Airport Expansion, Institute for Policy Studies, 2023
July, 2023
The Federal Government Is Seeking Public Opinion on the Future of Aviation in America. The DOT and FAA have established public comment forms that allow citizens to voice their opinion on how they would like to see aviation regulated in the future. Find the comment submission form here and the current FAA plan for the future of aviation here.
June, 2023
Non-Profit Sues EPA For Decades Long Failure to Enforce Noise Regulations. A new lawsuit filed by Quiet Communities Inc. alleges that the EPA has failed to properly regulate noise pollution as outlined by the Noise Control Act of 1977.
The New York Times wants to hear how noise pollution is affecting your life. Follow this link to learn more about the project and submit your own story.
April, 2023
Communities Respond to the FAA Reauthorization Act. The Aviation-Impacted Communities Alliance has compiled information on communities responses to the 2023 FAA Reauthorization Act, with many communities feeling the bill fails to properly respond to their needs.
Lincoln DRB Denies Conditional Use Application for a Private Landing Area. In April 2023, for the second time in a year, the Town of Lincoln denied an application for a private landing area. We will provide updates and details as they emerge.
Rutland Herald Publishes an article on Our Organization. On April 25th, 2023, the Rutland Herald published a story on the issues raised on this website, and the need for greater public involvement in the process of deciding where private airstrips and helipads are located.
March, 2023
North Hero Citizens Pass a Referendum Prohibiting Private Airstrips. After a few years of debate and consideration by the citizens of North Hero, at Town Meeting in 2023 they voted overwhelmingly to prohibit private airstrips and helipads. - March, 8th, 2023
February, 2023
The Vermont State Legislature Begins Deliberations on a New Drone Regulation Bill. In February, 2023, a new bill regulating drone flights and photography over private property was first introduced into the Vermont Legislature. The bill as introduced and the current status of the bill can be found here.